Telephone payments

Accepting and processing card payments by phone

For PCI DSS reasons, card payments cannot be taken over the University's telephone system (Chorus).  Instead, these transactions must be processed using the PayGuard application which has been implemented for this purpose. PayGuard, developed by Fusion Telecom Ltd., is a fully secure system which provides the facility to accept card payments by telephone in a PCI compliant manner.  This is the only acceptable method for University departments to take telephone payments. New card devices will not have the functionality to allow the processing of 'card not present' transactions.

payguard pic

When staff want to take a payment over the phone, they log in to PayGuard from a web browser, link the site to the call, and assist the customer to make the payment in real time, staying connected throughout. The staff member will not have access to the customer card data at any stage, as the payer will use their phone keypad to enter their card details, following which an immediate accept or decline response is received. Refunds can also be processed in this way.

NOTE: It is not possible to handle card payments in a PCI compliant manner for internal calls (i.e. those internal to the University's telephone system). This is because the mechanism for the Payguard system is provided by a supplier external to the University telephony network, and calls must traverse their network to invoke the PayGuard system. If a member of staff wishes to make a payment by phone whilst at work, then an option could be that the call is made on a mobile phone. 

Any department wishing to accept card payments over the telephone must firstly enrol to use the PayGuard system, and will need to have a Merchant Account set up with the University's Acquiring Bank, to facilitate use of the payment application and settlement of the transactions. To find out more, please contact Cashiers  










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Contact us

       Finance Division
       University of Oxford
       23-38 Hythe Bridge Street
       Oxford OX1 2ET

       email :