Financial Processes
The University is governed by statutes and regulations, including the Financial Regulations and their supporting financial processes which set out how the University’s financial activity is to be managed
All members of the University are responsible for making themselves aware of the Financial Regulations, including the financial processes, and ensuring that they comply with them. The Financial Regulations set out how key responsibilities are devolved through the University, including department responsibilities, while the financial processes set out the key processes and control arrangements for undertaking financial activity. The process documentation supports departments in ensuring they follow the processes and implement appropriate controls in line with these Regulations.
Financial Processes are overseen by the various Process Oversight Groups. If you have an issue or question related to financial process, please consider raising it to the relevant POG, and joining the associated Process User Group (PUG) to get involved in process improvements.
If you are unsure how to interpret the Financial Regulations, or how they apply to your particular circumstances, please contact Financial Assurance .
Please see the list of Financial Processes below, as well as links to the published process maps.
Financial processes
- Accruals Accounting
- Cash and Banking *
- Cardholder Data Security Rules*
- Chart of Accounts
- Expenses*
- Financial Management of Building Projects*
- Internal Trade
- Insurance*
- Inventory Stock Provision, Write off and Disposals*
- Managing Budgets, Forecasts and Reporting*
- Managing Departmental Assets*
- Managing Departmental Projects
- Managing Journals and Transfers
- Managing Oracle Access*
- Managing Research Projects*
- Managing Sales of Goods and Services*
- Monthly VAT reporting
- Pay advances
- Payroll*
- Payment Request Forms
- Petty Cash
- Procurement*
- Purchase to Pay*
- Self-Assurance*
- Supplier Set-up and Amendments
- Tenders: £25k - £125k
- Tenders: Preferred and Contracted Suppliers
*Indicates processes specifically referenced in the University's Financial Regulations
Process maps - Coming soon
Cash management and banking process maps (pdf)
- CMB1 Cash and Banking: Cash Management & Banking - Recive Cash
- CMB2 Cash and Banking: Cash Management & Banking - Transfer Cash to Cashiers
- CMB3 Cash and Banking: Cash Management & Banking - Record Cash
- CMB4 Cash and Banking: Cash Management & Banking - Bank Reconciliation
- BC1: Barclaycard - New Barclaycard Request
- BC2: Barclaycard - Reconciliation Process
- EXP1 Departmental - Expense Claim Process
- EXP1D - SAPConcur CLAIM - Delegate
- EXP2 Central Finance Expenses Claim Processing
- EXP3 Departmental - Expense Claim for Taxable Items Process
- EXP4 Payroll Processing an Expense Claim (taxable items)
- EXP5 Visitor/External Expense Claim Process
Coming soon
- CBP1: Initiate Project
- CBP2: Finance Set up - Options Appraisal
- CBP3: Options Appraisal
- CBP4A: Prepare Business Case for Consideration
- CBP4B: Project Approval
- CBP5: Finance Set up - PEA
- CBP6: Manage OUFAL Contracts
- CBP7: Engaging Supplier
- CBP8: Oracle PO Proess
- CBP9: OUFAL - Sage PO Process
- CBP10A: Manage Spplier Invoices - OUFAL Project
- CBP10B: Manage Spplier Invoices - OUFAL Project (continued)
- CBP11: Manage Invoices
- CBP12: Manage Project Reporting
- CBP13: Manage Funding Sources
- CBP14: Practical Completion
- CBP15: Capitalise on Practical Completion
- CBP16: Pre-Closure Control Checks
- CBP17A: PO Uplift
- CBP17B: PO Uplift (continued)
GL01: ORG1 New Department / Unit
GL02: ORG2 Organisation Restructures
GL03: ORG3 New Department Code
GL04: FX1 - Currency - Creation of Weekly Rates* ('UO Ledger GBP' Ledger)
GL05: FX2 - Currency - Creation of Monthly Rates
GL06: FX3 - Currency - Set up New Currency
GL07: SJP1 - Statistical Journal Process
GL08: ACC1 - Accruals - GRN Accruals (Reversing)
GL08: ACC1 - Accruals - Other Accruals & Prepayments
GL010: LPE1 - Ledger Period End Process: Month End - UO GBP Ledger
GL11: LPE2 - Ledger Period End Process: Month End - UO China HKD Ledger
GL12: LPE3 - Ledger Period End Process: Subsidiaries Consolidation Process
GL13: LPE4 - Ledger Period End Process: UO GBP Ledger Consolidation Process
GL14: CVR1 - New Cross Validation Rules
- GL015: FPR1 - Financial Planning & Reporting - Manage Budgets
- GL16: FPR2 - Financial Planning & Reporting - Month End Reporting
- GL17: FPR3 - Financial Planning & Reporting - Quarterly Reporting
- GL18: FPR4 - Financial Planning & Reporting - Manage Forecasts
- GL19: FPR5 - Financial Planning & Reporting - Manage Year End
P2P Process maps (pdf)
- P2P25: INT1 - Internal Trade Purchase - Sale
- P2P26: INT2 - Internal Recharges - Buyer led
- P2P27: INT3 - Internal Recharges - Seller Led
Managing fixed assets process maps (pdf)
- MA1: Managing Assets - Department Equipment Listing (DEL)
- MA2: Managing Assets - Additions via Oracle
- MA3: Managing Assets - Manual Additions
- MA4: Managing Assets - Amend / Dispose
- MA5: Managing Assets - Month End
- MA6: Managing Fixed Assets - Buildings - ASMT Notifications
Managing Departmental Projects process maps (pdf)
- MDP1: Setting up Departmental Project
- MDP2: Applying for John Fell Project
- MDP3: Manage Departmental Project
- MDP4: Amend Departmental Project
- MDP5: Billing and Closing Projects
- MDP6: John Fell - Annual Agreement and Monthly Project Closure Process
- UA1: R12 User Access - Set up or Remove Authorised Approver
- UA2: R12 User Access - Create Record in Oracle HR Module
- UA3: R12 User Access - Set up New User in Oracle Financials
- UA4: R12 User Access - Change to Access in Oracle Financials (Adding or Deleting Access)
- UA5: R12 User Access - End User in Oracle Financials
- UA6: SAP Concur - New Claimant Access
- UA7: SAP Concur - New User Access, Other
- UA8: SAP Concur - Removing Access
- UA9: TIRS - New User Access
- UA10: TIRS - Remove User Access
- UA11: BFT - New User Access
- UA12: BFT - Remove User Access
- MRP1: Obtain Funding
- MRP2: Arrange Contract
- MRP3: Set up Research Project on Oracle Financials
- MRP4: Project Preparation
- MRP5: Collaboration
- MRP6: Manage Project (Ongoing)
- MRP7: Amend Project
- MRP8: Billing Funders
- MRP9: Manage Invoices
- MRP10: Reconcile and Close Project
- MRP11: Manage Interfaces and Overnight Processes
- MRP12: Terminate Contract
- MRP13: Audit
Order to cash process maps (pdf)
Sales Income POG
Sales Income PUG
- OTC1: Order To Cash - Overview
- OTC2: Order To Cash - Raise Sales Invoice
- OTC3: Order To Cash - Set up New Customer
- OTC4: Order To Cash - Amend Customer Contacts
- OTC5: Order To Cash - Online Store
- OTC6: Order To Cash - Payments via Card Terminal
- OTC7: Order To Cash - Other Sales through Departmental Systems
- OTC8: Order To Cash - Allocate Bank Receipts
- OTC9: Order To Cash - Miscellaneous Receipts
- OTC10: Order To Cash - Refunds
- OTC11: Order To Cash - Paid Invoice Amendment
- OTC12: Order To Cash - Manage Debt
- OTC13: Order To Cash - Debt Resolution
- OTC14: Order To Cash - Manage AR
- OTC15: TAX3 - Tax Corrections - AR Invoices
- OTC16: TAX4 - Maintain Tax Rules
Advances process maps (pdf)
Expenses & Advances POG
Expenses & Advances PUG
- ADV1: Advances - Select Advance Type
- ADV2: Advances - Request Direct Payment (Bank Transfer)
- ADV3: Advances - Central Payments Advance Expenses Request Process
- ADV4: Advances - Direct Payment Expense Reconciliation
- ADV5: Advances - Central Payments Reconcile Expense Advances
- ADV6: Advances - Issue of New Pre-Paid Card
- ADV7: Advances - Pre-Paid Card Top UP
- ADV8: Advances - Pre-Paid Card Spend and Reconciliation
- ADV9: Advances - Pre-Paid Card Monitoring
- ADV10: Advances - Pre-Paid Card no longer required
- ADV11: Advances - Cash
PAY1: Payments Team - Batch Review
Pay2: Central Payments - Payment Run
Expenditure Other process maps (pdf)
- PRF1: Payment Request Form
Expenditure other process maps (pdf)
- PC1: Petty Cash - Set Up / Amend Float (including increase and decrease/close)
- PC2: Petty Cash - Use Float
- PC3: Petty Cash - Reconcile Float
- PC4: Petty Cash - Reimburse Float
- PC5: Petty Cash - Year End Process
- PIN1: Philanthropic Income - Donation Routes
- PIN2: Philanthropic Income - Approve Donation
- PIN3: Philanthropic Income - Gift Agreement
- PIN4: Philanthropic Income - Record Pledge on DARS
- PIN5: Philanthropic Income - Receive Donation and Record on DARS
- PIN6: Philanthropic Income - Departmental / Capital Projects
- PIN7: Philanthropic Income - Managing Donations for Research
- PIN8: Philanthropic Income - Manage Trusts
- PIN9: Philanthropic Income - Restricted Donation
- PIN10: Philanthropic Income - Revenue Donations and Gift Aid
- PIN11: Philanthropic Income - Non Revenue Donations
- PIN12: Philanthropic Income - Donation Spend
- PIN13: Philanthropic Income - Monitor Pledge
Purchase to Pay process maps (pdf)
- P2P1: Decision to Buy [What to buy, Who From, What price]
- P2P2: Department Tender Process £25k to £125k
- P2P3: Simplified Tender Process (Preferred Suppliers)
- P2P4: UPD Tender Process
- P2P5: Place order (With PO)
- P2P6: Place Order (Exceptions)
- P2P7: Approve Requisition
- P2P8: Requisition and PO Amendments
- P2P9: Approve PO Amendments
- P2P10: Receive Process
- P2P11: Manage Purchasing Activity
- P2P12: Receive and Prepare non-electronic Invoice/Credit Note
- P2P13: Department Processes Invoices/Credit Notes on Oracle
- P2P14: Central Payments Team processes Invoices/Credit Notes on Oracle
- P2P15: Electronic Invoices
- P2P16: Resolve Invoice Issues
- P2P18: Recurring Invoices
- P2P19: TAX1 - Tax corrections on Requisition - Department
- P2P20: TAX2 - Tax Corrections on Requisition - Central Finance
- P2P21: CAT1 - Manage Catalogue - Set up New Hosted Catalogue
- P2P22: CAT2 - Manage Catalogue - Amend Hosted Catalogue
- P2P23: CAT3 - Manage Catalogue - New Punchout
- P2P24: CAT4 - Manage Catalogue - Amend Punchout
Contact us
University of Oxford
Oxford, OX1 2ET
: Financial Assurance and Counter Fraud Team