Focus Points
Sales invoices should be immediately sent to the customer’s Accounts Payable email address as pdf documents, copying in any other contacts. Please upload a copy of the sent email with invoice attached to Oracle notes.
If you regularly raise invoices on behalf of others, please add the email of that person or department into the comments section of the invoice advising they are the person to contact in case of any queries. This does not show on the invoice and it is important that you include this so Credit Control know who to contact quickly, it will also cut down on the emails you receive trying to find this information.
If you are invoicing one of our University Colleges it is crucial that you immediately send the invoice(s) to your counterpart at the college AND the colleges accounts team. If you do not have that email please contact Rachael Toner on Teams. Please do not send invoices without including the Accounts email.
Internal invoicing - please be aware when billing Rueben College you need to raise an internal PO and bill that way; they are an internal college.
Sales to external customers are carried out via a variety of channels at the University, and likewise the payment for the goods or services is received via a number of different routes. The process has been written for anyone who is involved at any stage of the activity.
The process and associated financial controls have been written in support of Section 2.1 & 2.2 of the Financial Regulations.
Note: this process details steps to be taken by departments, Credit Control and Cashiers as indicated.