Oxford University Fixed Assets Limited (OUFAL) Managed Projects

Where the decision has been made to manage the project using the services of Oxford University Fixed Asset Limited (OUFAL) there are some variances to the standard process, the main ones of which are set out below.

Variances to ‘Standard Process’

1. Finance set-up

When details of an approved OUFAL-managed project are sent to the Estates Services Finance Team they set the project up on Oracle Financials, and the project is also set up on the OUFAL Sage Accounting System by the OUFAL Finance Team.

2. Tender process - contracts

A single design and build contract for OUFAL-managed projects is drawn up by the Estates Services Project Manager between the University and OUFAL and a VAT certificate issued from the University to OUFAL by the University VAT Manager.

OUFAL uses the same process as the University to appoint individual suppliers (see Standing Orders). Individual supplier contracts are drawn up by the Estates Services Project Manager, acting on behalf of OUFAL, between OUFAL and individual suppliers.

3. Purchase orders

Purchase Orders have to be raised in two stages for OUFAL-managed projects:

(a) A Purchase Order from the University to OUFAL should be raised on Oracle Financials for the full project cost.

(b) Purchase Orders from OUFAL to individual suppliers should be raised on the OUFAL Sage Accounting System for the full value of the contracts, or other agreement, with each supplier.

4. Log and review invoices, receipt works

All invoices received from contractors supplying to OUFAL are sent to the Estates Services Finance Team where they are logged on a spreadsheet, checked, and passed onto individual Project Managers for review in exactly the same way as for non-OUFAL projects.

5. Authorise and process invoice

Contractor Invoices (to OUFAL) are signed by the relevant Project Manager to accept that the work is complete and the Invoice amount is correct, and are authorised, according to Estates Services approval limits, before being entered onto the OUFAL Sage Accounting System by the Estates Services Finance Team for payment using the approved OUFAL process.

Estates Finance maintains a local register of delegated authority levels for Capital Project transactions. 

Invoices raised by OUFAL to the University are approved and paid by the Estates Services Finance Team as per the University's Purchase to Pay process.

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Contact Us

  : Financial Reporting Team
       Finance Division
       University of Oxford
       23-38 Hythe Bridge Street
       Oxford OX1 2ET
