Import Glossary
See below for links to information, or definitions of technical terms
- Certificate of Origin (CoO) - A certificate of origin is a signed statement guaranteeing the origin of the export item. Certificates of origin are usually validated by a chamber of commerce in the UK. Origin can also be documented as a stamp on an invoice.
- CFSP number (Customs Freight Simplified Procedure) – this is a procedure used by large importers to help them clear their goods quickly. The University is not authorised for this process.
- COD (Cash on Delivery) – couriers/freight forwarders may ask for cash upon delivery to pay for Import fees. The University does not exchange cash on goods being delivered. Please ensure the freight forwarder’s duty deferment account is used and the freight forwarder is made aware that the University is using postponed VAT accounting.
- Commodity code – please see Tariff code
- Deferment account – The University does not have a deferment account but where we are the Importer of record, import duty is paid when the goods enter the UK, using our freight forwarder’s duty deferment account.
- EIDR - Entry in the Declarant's Records is a simplified procedure. Under this procedure, an economic operator may be authorised to enter certain goods to the customs import procedure at their premises or another approved location. The University is not authorised for this procedure.
- EORI number - or Economic Operator Registration and Identification number - All businesses within the UK need an EORI Number when importing or exporting any commercial cargo. Documentation for any goods moving into or out of the UK will need it. The University's EORI number is GB 125 5067 30 000.
- Import entry form – This document is completed by the freight forwarder at the port and has a unique reference number which identifies the import.
- Incoterms - Incoterms are a set of rules which define the responsibilities of sellers and buyers for the delivery of goods under sales contracts. They are the terms of trade that are used for imports. More details of Incoterms can be found in our Internal Import guidance.
- Inward Processing Relief - The University is not eligible for IPR.
- MRN (Movement Reference Number) - is the replacement for the EPU/Entry No./date on CDS (Customs Declaration Service). It is made of 18 numbers / letters: the first 2 are the year, then country and then 14 randomly generated numbers & letters. This is displayed on the Postponed VAT Accounting statement.
- NIRU (National Imports Relief Unit) – We need to seek NIRU approval to obtain certain reliefs reported under specific CPC codes. NIRU will issue a certificate which should be given to the freight forwarder ahead of import. The University has a blanket approval for certain imports.
Outward processing relief - Suitable for use when exporting goods for repair or alteration, intending to have them return. Without OPR, duties and import VAT will be payable on the total value of the goods on return.
- Postponed VAT Accounting (PVA) – The University is using Postponed VAT Accounting. Please state our EORI number GB 125 5067 30 065 when declaring this. Duty is paid at the port but the import VAT is postponed and sent to the Tax team in a monthly statement to be paid on the University VAT return.
- Procedure Codes and Additional Codes - CPCs have now been replaced by Procedure Codes and Additional Codes. The codes are the same as the CPCs except now they are split into two parts, Procedure Codes being the first four characters and Additional Codes being the last three characters. These are used to identify a procedure that goods are moved under. Where duty relief and import VAT relief are both sought, where applicable, an Additional Code is needed for each relief.
- Tariff code - A tariff, or commodity code or HS code, is a unique number that’s assigned to every product type imported into the UK. This is 8 digits in length. The same code is used in all countries of the world to the first 6 digits so it’s relatively easy to find out the import duty for your goods. This should be provided by the supplier.
- Trade Tariff – You can use this tool implemented by Customs to look up VAT and duties that will be due on imported goods if there is no relief. Please budget for the VAT and duty shown if you are unsure if certain goods will qualify for relief. Please contact the Tax Team if you think your goods may qualify for relief.
Contact Us
: Finance Division
c/o Oxford University Press
Great Clarendon Street
Oxford OX2 6DP
: 01865 (6) 16215
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