UO Internal Invoice Details report

Why run this report?

For reviewing detailed information about internal invoices.

When should you run this report?

If you are a buying department and wish to inquire upon invoices entered against your internal POs. Or if you are a selling department and wish to inquire about invoices created by your department.

How to run this report

Select the following parameters:

uo internal invoice details

Which outputs are available for this report?

•    Excel - a simple list of data that can be filtered but has no totals.

Which roles have access to this report?

  • XX Payables
  • XX Payables No Release Holds
  • FSSC Payables Enquiry
  • UO Internal Trade User
  • UO Payables X
  • UO Payments X

Hints and tips

If running the report through the Internal Trade role, please remember to enter a department name to restrict the list to those charged to your department.

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 : Financial Systems
       Finance Division
       University of Oxford
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