An example output of this report is available: New_UO GL Transaction Listing by Period- Cost Centre - Account (XLS) .
Why run this report?
For a summary of all transactions for a range of departmental Cost Centres or Account Codes.
When should you run this report?
This report is recommended for your month/quarter end preparation and closure.
How to run this report
When running this report, make sure the Ledger is populated correctly and that the Periods entered will return a sensible amount of data. It is also prudent to restrict the parameter range of Cost Centres, Natural Accounts, Source of Funds. This is a complex report, please see Hints and Tips below.
Report Parameters
Which outputs does this report have?
• Excel - a simple list of data that can be filtered but has no totals.
• Excel Pivot - designed to make analysis of the data easier, the default layout can be changed once the report has opened in Excel from this output.
Which roles have access to this report?
- XX General Ledger
- XX General Ledger Sal
- XX General Ledger Enquiry
- General Ledger Divisional Finance Teams
- UO Consolidation General Ledger Enquiry
- UO General Ledger XX
- UO Trust Fund General Ledger Enquiry
Hints and Tips
- Staff costs charged to Projects have the employee details anonymised for data security reasons
- No data exists for this report before August 2012
- This report is extremely complex and contains considerably detailed data so, when running it, take care to enter suitable parameters to restrict the amount of data in the output; run it for a single period or a short range of accounts
- There are 2 columns in the output “Cost Centre and Description” and “Natural Account and Description”; these are included to make the pivot outputs work
- Applying the Cost Centre Parent parameter, a user in Chemistry, for example, could run the report for cost centre parent 104A1, to receive all transactions posted to the A1 ledger across Chemistry, without having to run the report across the entirety of Chemistry and then remove the lines from the A2 and B ledgers